BlackBerry Curve 9330 9300 - PIN messages

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PIN messages

About PIN messages

A PIN uniquely identifies BlackBerry® devices and BlackBerry enabled devices on the wireless network. If you have a contact

who uses a BlackBerry device or a BlackBerry enabled device and you know that contact's PIN, you can send them PIN

messages. PIN messages are not routed through your email account.
When your PIN message is delivered to the recipient, in a message inbox, a D appears with a check mark beside the PIN


Find your PIN

Do one of the following:

• On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon. Click Device > Device and Status Information.
• In a message, type mypin followed by a space.

Composing and sending PIN messages

Compose and send a PIN message

1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.
2. Press the

key > Compose Other > Compose PIN.

3. In the To field, do one of the following:

• Type a PIN. Press the key on the keyboard.
• If you have a PIN saved for a contact that is in your contact list, type the contact name. Press the key on the


4. Type a message.
5. Press the

key > Send.

Related topics

Personal distribution lists, 175

I cannot send messages, 106

I cannot send messages, 106

Resend a message

You cannot change a text message before you resend it.
In a sent message, press the


• To change the message, click Edit. Change the message. Press the

key > Send.

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• To change the recipients, click Edit. Highlight a contact. Press the

key > Change Address. Click a new contact.

Press the

key > Send.

• To resend the message without changing it, click Resend.

Related topics

I cannot send messages, 106

Reply to or forward an email or PIN message

In a message, press the


• To reply to a message, click Reply or Reply to All.
• To forward a message, click Forward or Forward As.

Related topics

I cannot send messages, 106

Check spelling

You can check spelling in messages, calendar entries, tasks, or memos that you create.
1. Press the

key > Check Spelling.

2. Do any of the following:

• To accept the suggested spelling, click a word in the list that appears.
• To ignore the suggested spelling, press the


• To ignore all instances of the suggested spelling, press the

key > Ignore All.

• To add the word to the custom dictionary, press the

key > Add To Dictionary.

• To stop checking spelling, press the

key > Cancel Spell Check.

Save a draft of a message

When you are composing a message, press the

key > Save Draft.

Attach a contact to a message

You can attach a contact to an email, a PIN message, or a text message.
1. When you are composing a message, press the

key > Attach > Contact.

2. Find and highlight a contact.
3. Press the

key > Continue.

Related topics

I cannot attach a file to a text message, 110

Set an importance level for received PIN messages

1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.
2. Press the

key > Options > Message Display and Actions.

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3. Select the Display PIN Messages in Red check box.
4. Press the

key > Save.

Blind carbon copy a contact

You can blind carbon copy a contact in an email or a PIN message.
When you are composing an email or a PIN message, press the

key > Add Bcc.

Create a link for a PIN

You can create a link for a PIN in a message, calendar entry, task, or memo. If you click the link, you can send a PIN message.
When you are typing text, type pin: and the PIN.

Stop a message from sending

You can stop a message from sending only if a clock icon appears beside the message.
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.
2. Highlight the message.
3. Press the

key > Delete.

Viewing and replying to PIN messages

Search for text in a message, in a file, or on a web page

To search for text in a presentation, you must view the presentation in text view or in text and slide view.

1. In a message, in a file, in an attachment, or on a web page, press the

key > Find or Find on Page.

2. Type the text.
3. Press the Enter key.

To search for the next instance of the text, press the

key > Find Next.

View an address instead of a display name

In a message, press the

key > Show Address.

To view the display name again, press the

key > Show Name.

View filed messages

1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.
2. Press the

key > View Folder.

3. Click a folder.

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Save a message

1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.
2. Highlight a message.
3. Press the

key > Save.

Delete messages

On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.

• To delete a message, highlight the message. Press the

key > Delete.

• To delete a range of messages, highlight a message. Press and hold the Shift key. On the trackpad, slide your finger up

or down. Release the Shift key. Press the

key > Delete Messages.

• To delete all messages prior to a certain date, highlight a date field. Press the

key > Delete Prior > Delete.

Note: Email that you delete using the Delete Prior menu item is not deleted from the email application on your computer
during email reconciliation.

Change how a message inbox displays messages

1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.
2. Press the

key > Options > Message Display and Actions.

• To change the order of the subject line and sender, change the Display Order field.
• To change how messages are separated, change the Separators field.
• To change how many messages can fit on the screen, change the Display Message Header On field.

3. Press the

key > Save.

Hide sent messages from the message inbox

1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.
2. Press the

key > Options > Message Display and Actions.

3. Select the Hide Sent Messages check box.
4. Press the

key > Save.

PIN message options

Set how long your device stores messages

1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.
2. Press the

key > Options > Message Display and Actions.

3. Change the Days To Keep Messages field.
4. Press the

key > Save.

Related topics

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Some messages no longer appear on my device, 108

Open a new message automatically when you remove your device from your holster

1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.
2. Press the

key > Options > Message Display and Actions.

3. Change the Auto Open Newest Message After Removing Device From Holster field.
4. Press the

key > Save.

Hide the new or unopened message indicator

1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.
2. Press the

key > Options > Message Display and Actions.

• To hide the new message indicator, clear the Display New Message Indicator check box.
• To hide the unopened message indicator, change the Display Message Count field to None.

3. Press the

key > Save.

Turn off the prompt that appears before you delete a message

1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.
2. Press the

key > Options > Message Display and Actions.

3. Clear the Confirm Delete check box.
4. Press the

key > Save.

Turn off the prompt that appears when you mark messages as opened

1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon.
2. Press the

key > Options > Message Display and Actions.

3. Clear the Confirm Mark Prior Opened check box.
4. Press the

key > Save.